Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sulfuric acid capsized tanker

Mainz Ministry of Environment is clear
On the Rhine is a capsized tanker carrying sulfuric acid, according to
Ministry of Environment is not an acid leak. Two crew members are

On the Rhine, on Thursday, a tanker with 2,400 tons of sulfuric acid
on board has capsized. According to the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry
of Environment is the ship's hull is intact and not yet leaked
sulfuric acid. In the vicinity of the ship in the water a slight
lowering of the pH value was measured. This value was done according
to the present findings, however, probably do with a possible leakage
of the hazardous chemical. The Ministry still widespread precautionary
information on the International Warning and Alarm Plan Rhine. But
even in the event that acid escapes, no direct environmental damage is
expected. The acid will be rapidly diluted in the waters of the Rhine
much swollen, said a police spokesman.
After the disaster in the immediate vicinity of the Lorelei was the

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bike rental systems and Web software

IT, New Media & Software
Press release from: Planquadrat Software Integration GmbH
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Scooterplan.net - booking software for the construction of rental stations
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Leipzig, 31 August 2011. Bike rental systems in many cities now springing up everywhere. The operation of a bicycle rental system is no longer just reserved for the public institutions. In addition to cities and regions more and more private enterprises organize a bike rental.

Bike rental systems for dealers

Each trader can build a system to hire. Plays a central software, which run together all the important information and coordinated an important role.

Scooterplan.net is a Web-based software, in which the processes of a bicycle rental can be designed. Regardless of the size of the rental software solution that offers an online booking as well as functions for efficient management and collaboration with business partners.