Monday, September 5, 2011

Bike rental systems and Web software

IT, New Media & Software
Press release from: Planquadrat Software Integration GmbH
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Leipzig, 31 August 2011. Bike rental systems in many cities now springing up everywhere. The operation of a bicycle rental system is no longer just reserved for the public institutions. In addition to cities and regions more and more private enterprises organize a bike rental.

Bike rental systems for dealers

Each trader can build a system to hire. Plays a central software, which run together all the important information and coordinated an important role. is a Web-based software, in which the processes of a bicycle rental can be designed. Regardless of the size of the rental software solution that offers an online booking as well as functions for efficient management and collaboration with business partners.

Standard procedures for a rental network supports a merger partner to a different distribution network. Partners can be in this case, its own branches or locations, but also partner businesses or non-cooperation of companies. With a standard software with all necessary data is collected consistently. In addition, established for all participants in the bicycle rental system, uniform processes with regard to customer data management, booking management and vehicle administration.
Click here to find out more!

Rental software should be web software

The manual entry of data or filling in of leases represents a more complicated and more difficult to vote at several rental locations.

Mario Wermuth, Managing Director of is convinced "that across a software for rental, all participants online across corporate boundaries and at any time, should be available." Declares To build an efficient rental system, Wermuth continued, "must of project start , all data in a central data base will be saved. "

A Web software allows you to access the central database via the Internet. It is safe and requires no additional hardware installation. For the rental of bicycles and bicycle rental building systems software specialist recommends the wormwood a Software as a Service solution, "rental software should always be one Web software," says IT expert.

This press release was published on openPR.

Planquadrat Software Integration GmbH
Doreen Wallenborn
Naumburg Str 28
04229 Leipzig

Tel: + 49 (0) 341 60014537
Fax: + 49 (0) 341 600 145 379

The grid square-Software Integration GmbH was founded in 2007. The start-up company offers customized and standardized Web-based software solutions for operational business processes of enterprises. With the product the company developed a FREIZEITPLAN.NET online reservation and booking software for managing and renting of vehicles and objects. The software is SCOOTERPLAN.NET to the specific requirements that result from a variety of concepts and use of rental systems in the e-mobility industry aligned.